Solutions for every area of application<br>We convince with our projects
Solutions for every area of application
We convince with our projects
  1. Design
  2. Electronics
  3. Laboratory
  4. Mechanics
  5. Mechatronics
  6. Motion
  7. PMO
  8. Production
  9. Software

Successful projects with our project and innovation management

Successful mechatronic systems are implemented at Antrimon by experienced senior project managers and innovation managers. Our product development process (PDP) guarantees the necessary interdisciplinary involvement (frontloading) in early development phases and thus ensures sophisticated and targeted solutions. Project execution is monitored by milestones and gates. Together with you, we thus ensure quality and a consolidated project process. 
Thanks to the know-how of our project managers, nothing stands in the way of your successful project. We are also happy to make the skills of our staff available to you on an ad interim basis to support your project plans.

Use the project examples to get an impression of our expertise. Because nothing is more convincing than reality.

Eye treatment device
Eye treatment device
Swing door actuator smartdoor
Swing door actuator smartdoor
Control Panel Railway
Control Panel Railway
Automated guided vehicle
Automated guided vehicle
Bicycle lock
Bicycle lock
Control unit washing machine
Control unit washing machine
Mobility concept
Mobility concept
Valve control
Valve control
Zanovello art project
Zanovello art project
All-terrain wheelchair
All-terrain wheelchair
Electronic system for vehicle operation
Electronic system for vehicle operation
FEM analysis gearbox
FEM analysis gearbox
Optics simulation
Optics simulation
Drive technology stroke converter
Drive technology stroke converter


Bodenbeläge Chur, GraubündenBrandingChromstahlbeckenCreanetDeckensegel AkustikEinbauschrank nach Mass für GenerationenErdsondenbohrung, Brunnenbohrung, SonderverlängerungenErdsondenbohrungenESET Antivirus EuropaFull Service Marketing Agentur Gunzwiler DestillateInnenausbau vom ProfiKaminfeger Koch :: Kaminfaegerdienst, Feuerungskontrolle, BrandschutzMaurerMessestand & Point of SaleNilfisk BodenreinigungsgeräteNilfisk HochdruckreinigerPhotovoltaikanlagePhysiothermSEO Agentur LuzernShop - Produkteübersicht Social MediaVerpackungsdesign LuzernWebdesignWerbeagentur für Digital und Branding