Smart Home<br>Intelligent solutions for buildings <br>of the future
Smart Home
Intelligent solutions for buildings
of the future
  1. Design
  2. Electronics
  3. Laboratory
  4. Mechanics
  5. Mechatronics
  6. Motion
  7. PMO
  8. Production
  9. Software

In-depth know-how in the field of building technology engineering

In intelligent solutions for smart homes, the interaction of the building services system and reliable communication via the network are central points. We offer you the interdisciplinary know-how for successful projects in the field of innovative building automation. 

Our goal is to develop the solution for you that increases the security of buildings, optimises operation in terms of energy and saves operating costs. Our product development process lays the foundation for this right from the start of planning.

The result: sustainable products, optimally coordinated and easy to use.  Through networking, smart home products adapt to user behaviour and the environment. This makes them safe, energy-efficient and sustainable. 

Swing door actuator smartdoor
Swing door actuator smartdoor
smartdoor Service partner
smartdoor Service partner
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