Innovative solutions for professional use
Innovative solutions for professional use

Anything but standard - customised solutions for applications in special vehicles

Special vehicles combine unique functionality requirements with mobility and are found primarily in the construction industry, agriculture and for industrial sectors such as mining. The quality requirements for the vehicles and their components are extremely high. Reliability, robustness and resistance to environmental influences are only three of many success factors.

Antrimon's expertise has been put to the test many times by demanding customers. We know the specific boundary conditions in detail and support special vehicle manufacturers in the development of mechatronic systems and their integration into customer-specific applications. 

In addition to the development of components, modules and complete assemblies, we use our know-how to connect people with machines, especially in the areas of HMI and switch technology.

Benefit from our many years of experience as an engineering and drive technology partner and the high level of innovation within the group. This is how we jointly develop innovative solutions that set new standards. Let's talk about your project.

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