Medical<br>Development and production<br>according to ISO 13485
Development and production
according to ISO 13485
  1. Design
  2. Electronics
  3. Laboratory
  4. Mechanics
  5. Mechatronics
  6. Motion
  7. PMO
  8. Production
  9. Software

Reliable and secure solutions for medical technology

From the idea to series production - with us you put your project in the right hands. 

The development of medical technology products is characterised in particular by high quality requirements. With our product development process (PDP), we support you in the realisation of innovative mechatronic systems for medical technology.

Benefit from our experience in product safety, product classes, risk management, CE certification and usability. Together we develop innovative and sophisticated subsystems and devices according to ISO 13485.

We can look back on several successful projects and look forward to further challenges.

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