E-Mobility<br>Ready for the energy future with innovative and effective solutions
Ready for the energy future with innovative and effective solutions
  1. Design
  2. Electronics
  3. Laboratory
  4. Mechanics
  5. Mechatronics
  6. Motion
  7. PMO
  8. Production
  9. Software

E-mobility - Development and production of sustainable products

With our know-how from successfully implemented projects in e-mobility, we develop and produce robust, innovative and economical assemblies and system projects. 

Whether software development, display technology, user interface, energy management or battery management - we develop the solution perfectly tailored to your needs.

With our proven development methods, we achieve great product success even with complex requirements. Our efficient product development process is divided into individual sections and enables our teams from the various functional areas to work on a variety of activities in parallel. 

With our simulations & calculations, we create certainty for the realisation of your project already in an early development phase. Processing procedures and tool technology are included in every phase of development. This makes any problem areas visible at an early stage, minimises risks and optimises costs.

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