Bicycle lock PubliBike

From the idea to the serial product

With Publibike, people who have the APP can rent a bike at various locations in Switzerland. The rental process is intuitive and simple: take the bike from the charging station via the APP, ride off and put it back at the next charging station and confirm with the APP. This way you are always mobile, even in cities.

It took 10 months from the first customer contact to the delivery of the first production batch. Developed in Neuhausen am Rheinfall, produced in Muri/AG - simply a success story, not least thanks to the short turnaround time.

The development comprises all disciplines required  for a mechatronic product: mechanics, hardware electronics and embedded software as well as software development.

Bicycle lock
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Bicycle lock

System characteristics

The lock allows authorised persons to borrow the bicycle. In addition, the loan period is digitally transmitted from the lock to the station. Communication technologies such as Bluetooth Smart and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) are used for this purpose.

The current status of the lock is communicated to the user via a display. With optimised battery management and greatly reduced power consumption, the duration until the next charge is maximised.

Tests during development, such as vibration tests, IP tests, durability tests and salt spray tests, have ensured the development.

  • Mechatronics development
  • Concept development
  • Simulation
  • Drive design
  • Case study
  • Strength
  • Hardware and software
  • Bluetooth Smart / RFID
  • Testing
  • Usability
  • Industrialisation
  • Assembly equipment & production


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