Automated guided transport system | AGV

Development and production of a compact AGV

Our experienced specialists have developed an innovative and reliable solution for optimising internal transport. The automated guided systems have an extremely compact design and navigate independently in their environment. They communicate with each other and with a higher-level ERP system. Without special infrastructure, such as lines or induction loops on the floor, the vehicles can move autonomously and safely.

Thanks to their compact design, the vehicles are able to drive into standardised Euro pallets and lift them without the support of additional lifting mechanisms. Individually or in a network consisting of 4 or more vehicles, many goods can be transported effortlessly, from small and light to large and heavy loads.

Driverless transport system
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Driverless transport system

System characteristics

The system does not require more space than the pallet itself when transporting Europlates. Because of this and because of the surface mobility, this system is particularly interesting wherever space is limited or manoeuvring is required in a very confined space. But not only Euro pallets can be transported. Everything is conceivable, from shopping trolleys and rolling containers to bed frames in hospitals.

  • Differential drive
  • Lifting unit
  • 250 kg load capacity
  • Travel speed up to 1.5 m/s
  • Room localisation via UWB and SLAM
  • Software based on ROS
  • Sensors for autonomous operation: 3D camera, ultrasonic sensor, laser distance sensors, gyroscope, magnetic field sensor, acceleration sensor
  • Motion Control
  • 4Q motor control (2 x BLDC & 1 x DC)


  • PCB pluggable on Raspberry Pi:
  • Customer-specific processes can be programmed directly on the drive
  • Control of various analogue and digital inputs
  • Gyroscope integrated


  • Input 18-48V | 200W (Peak 400W) per motor
  • 10A (Peak 16A)
  • 12V/5V/3.3V SUPPLY output


  • Input: 2x SinCos encoder feedback


  • Input: Digital Input 1, 2
  • 12V fan connector
  • SPI interface for gyroscope
  • SENSORS SPI input + 4xCS
  • EEPROM Raspberry Pi


  • 56 x 85 mm


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