Medical eye treatment device

From development to industrialisation

The application generates a so-called crosslinking, which performs a corneal crosslinking by means of UV light & vitamin B2. 

The communication, which takes place via Bluetooth, transmits the data via external sensor to the operating device. After completion of the treatment, the data is sent directly to the server and is thus immediately available.

The automatic transmission of the measurement data eliminates incorrectly typed values and reduces the administrative effort. More treatments are possible in the same period of time. By storing the data directly on the server, the doctor always has the complete patient file at his disposal.

Eye treatment device
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Eye treatment device

System characteristics

  • Compact, mobile, flexible and easy to use
  • Optics for homogenising UV spot
  • Transfer of measurement results via Bluetooth
  • EMC compatibility EN 60601-1-2
  • Compliance with medical standard
  • Intuitive HMI interface
  • Risk assessment
  • Product responsibility
  • Series production
  • Service concept over product life cycle


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