Intelligent applications for demanding implementations
Intelligent applications for demanding implementations
  1. Design
  2. Electronics
  3. Laboratory
  4. Mechanics
  5. Mechatronics
  6. Motion
  7. PMO
  8. Production
  9. Software

Automation for Industry 4.0

We develop innovative solutions that optimally implement the principle of automation and establish the connection to the IT world. 

Robotic process automation has evolved from classic process automation. RPA uses artificial intelligence methods to perform tasks automatically. Robotics is characterised by a high degree of innovation, market growth and rapid technical developments.

Our many years of experience in drive technology and the development of mechatronic systems ensure the interaction of coordinated components and enable dynamic, high-precision motion sequences. 

Our innovative products and comprehensive services support the efficiency and competitiveness of our customers, particularly in Industry 4.0. From drive technology catalog products to complete mechatronic systems from a single source, we offer solutions for simplified integration into the world of Industry 4.0.

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