Excellence in sustainable mechatronic systems - from one source

At Antrimon, everything revolves around innovative mechatronic systems. We are passionate about developing sustainable services and products that offer our customers real added value. Our competency in mechatronics and the close cooperation between our teams generate synergies that motivate us to achieve excellence and create space for mechatronic innovations to emerge. Whether in medical technology, robotics or other industries - we rely on future-oriented technologies and always address the personal requirements of our customers. With Antrimon at your side, you can be sure that you are at the cutting edge of technology and will achieve your goals.

Through versatile synergies, we realise customised mechatronic systems - quickly and competently

Antrimon BUs Key Visual

The composition of our business units allows a unique combination of our areas of expertise in almost all technical sectors.


From innovation to series optimization and product support with many years of engineering expertise for a wide range of industries, technologies and requirements.


Drive Technologies
From standard to customized drives, our large and flexible network and product portfolio guarantee the optimum drive solution for your requirements.


Contract Manufacturing
Certified and ESD-compliant industrialization, prototype and assembly production from 1 piece, as well as supply chain management and end-of-line testing.

Drive Technologies
Contract Manufacturing


Our Projects

BadesofaBlechverarbeitung und DrahtverarbeitungBrunnenbohrungenChromstahlpoolsCreanetDigital Signage Displaylösungen massgeschneidert für Ihr UnternehmenEdelstahlbeckenEinbauschrank nach MassErdsondenbohrung, Brunnenbohrung, SonderverlängerungenFitLine Antioxy ZellschutzFitLine Gelenkfit - Zur Pflege beanspruchter GelenkeFrostschutzeinspülungFull Service Marketing Agentur Hochwertige Produkte für Gesundheit, Fitness und SchönheitMauchle PoolMaurerMetallbau, Balkonverglasung, SitzplatzverglasungNilfisk SaugerPermanent Make UpPermanent Make Up - Augenbrauen Photovoltaikanlage, SolartechnikRandabschlüsse Creabeton Plattenbeläge Betonplatten Creabeton Treppenstufen BlockstufenTherapiebeckenVerpackungsdesign LuzernZahnärzte Kalt & Willi