Linear actuators LCA

Moving Coil Actuator

The cost-optimised generation for extremely long service life

The cost-optimised LCA series has been designed for extremely long service life with well over 100 million cycles at the highest speeds. The linear actuators are characterised by a compact overall height from 8 mm - ideal for pick & place in electronics production.


  • Force, position and speed control
  • Softand function and precise force control
  • For highest speeds and high acceleration
  • High number of cycles
  • Self-lubricating for a running performance of more than 100 million cycles
  • Return spring and vacuum passage optionally available
  • IP65 protection class available
  • Quiet and clean operation


  • Continuous force up to 36 N
  • Peak force up to 90 N
  • Stroke 10 to 250 mm 


  1. Overview
  2. Datasheet
  3. 3D model
  4. Accessories
  5. Movie


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