From the test specification to development-accompanying tests - individual solutions from the in-house laboratory
From the test specification to development-accompanying tests - individual solutions from the in-house laboratory
  1. Laboratory

Test & technology laboratory

In our in-house laboratory, we carry out individual laboratory and standard tests, EMC analyses and unconventional individual tests. The testing of a wide variety of material, component, drive, assembly and complete systems is possible across all industries. 

The wide-ranging and comprehensive laboratory infrastructure supports the entire development process from the definition phase to industrialisation. We realise unorthodox test requests promptly, thanks to our interdisciplinary team and the in-house test workshop.

We use a wide range of testing methods to get to the bottom of the causes of functional and material problems. We design test procedures for your questions, which are implemented in corresponding test stands.

ISO 9001 certification ensures that all processes in the department meet the highest quality standards.

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Tests during development

Nipping super accidents in the bud

Which disciplines are intertwined in development and production?

In quality management there is the 'rule of 10 for error costs'. This states that the costs of error prevention or error correction increase by a factor of ten at each stage of value creation. If a defect is only discovered during the design of the work steps and processes and not already during the planning and development, its elimination becomes ten times more expensive. 

Learn from a project how development-accompanying tests help to develop a new product safely and without defects.

Test Laboratory
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