Drive technology lab

In our modern drive technology laboratory with the latest test benches, we carry out tests and analyses of all kinds in the field of mechatronics. In this way, we support you in the development phase and optimise your system solution.

  • Application-specific lifetime measurements and tests
  • Speed and torque measurements
  • Detailed analyses of application-specific problems
  • Accompanying tests for conformity testing (UL, CE)

Our experts verify your customer specifications quickly and practically.

Drive Technology Laboratory
Drive Technology Laboratory

Laboratory service and V model

Is it advisable to test a new development or a redesign in the laboratory or can this expense be saved? Opinions differ on this question.

What is undisputed, however, is that risks can be better assessed and unforeseeable costs avoided through a neutral control authority. Find out how you can simply exclude the cost shock with the help of an example.


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