Taking responsibility for the successful running of complex projects
Taking responsibility for the successful running of complex projects
  1. PMO
Senior Project Manager
Senior Project Manager
  • Development projects
  • Execution projects
  • Internal projects
  • Ad Interim PM
  • Coaching Mentoring PL
Customized project plans and multi-project management
Customized project plans and multi-project management

Creation of customer-specific project plans in workshops from development projects to major projects.

Realistic planning of milestones, tasks, resources and time frames. Structuring the project and defining the work packages.

Risk Management
Risk Management

Risk assessments and creative identification and implementation of suitable risk reduction measures

Process establishment:
Process establishment: "Failure Mode and Effects Analysis" (FMEA)
  • Design analysis (DFMEA )
  • Process analysis (PFMEA)

Formation of a team for the FMEA, moderation, analysis of products and processes, structure FMEA, evaluation criteria, identification of failures for all relevant aspects, such as functions, components, interfaces, materials, environmental conditions, etc.

Creation of efficient customer-specific development processes
Creation of efficient customer-specific development processes

Specially adapted to industries from Medtech, Railway to Robotics special development requirements for the most efficient process establishment including decision-making processes

Introduction to Agile Project Management
Introduction to Agile Project Management

Special integration and introduction of modern agile project management methods

Cost reduction in action - increase efficiency, maximize profits!
Cost reduction in action - increase efficiency, maximize profits!
  • Clear goals and metrics
  • Effective resource planning
  • Proactive risk management
  • Competent project team and good communication
  • Continuous monitoring and review

Identified early, money saved - keeping an eye on costs is the key to success!


Product innovation
Product innovation
  • Design Thinking
  • Workshops
  • Support through innovation methods/tools
  • Development of business cases
  • Product definition and specifications, requirements and functional specifications
Resource management
Resource management

Assessing personnel requirements, coordinating with internal and external teams and ensuring the availability of required materials and tools, solving bottlenecks and delivery problems.

Change management
Change management
  • Analysis of the change
  • Communication and stakeholder management
  • Implementation and monitoring
  • Shaping change positively, developing and implementing a change management plan.
  • Finding creative measures and implementing them with successful communication.
Mediation and conflict management
Mediation and conflict management

Mastering conflicts, strengthening cooperation - mediation as the key to a solution.

We provide you with a trained mediator

Project success at a glance - monitoring, control, results!
Project success at a glance - monitoring, control, results!
  • Continuous monitoring: Regular review of project progress and performance to identify potential deviations at an early stage.
  • Effective control: Evaluation of project objectives, resource utilization and adherence to schedules to ensure the project stays on track.
  • Risk management: Identifying potential risks, monitoring them and implementing appropriate measures to minimize negative impacts.

We implement your project in a promising way by ensuring smooth handling of complex projects. As the interface between you and our development teams, we ensure a successful course. Along the product development process (PDP), a standardised and efficient procedure is already in place at the start of the project.

Successful mechatronic systems are implemented at Antrimon by experienced senior project managers and innovation managers. Our PDP guarantees the necessary interdisciplinary involvement (frontloading) in early development phases and thus ensures sophisticated and targeted solutions according to your specifications. Project execution is approved and monitored by milestones and gates. Together with you, we thus ensure quality and a consolidated project process. 

Thanks to the know-how of internal project managers, nothing stands in the way of your successful project. We are also happy to make the skills of our employees available to you on an ad interim basis to support your project plans.

Project and Innovation-Management


Innovative strength is a question of corporate culture and is anchored in Antrimon's vision. Conscious freedom for creativity and the use of collaborative networks give us the possibilities for ever new ideas. With our know-how, we ensure that your idea also develops into a successful project with great potential. With the support of the interdisciplinary team, innovative products, services and processes are created together - long-term, incremental or disruptive. 

Let's walk the path together - together we will move your innovation pipeline forward. 

Our competences:

  • Businesscase/plan
  • Idea management, design thinking
  • Competitor analysis
  • Market analysis
  • Technology, patent & standard monitoring
  • Detailed feature list
  • Product / product line conception
Project and Innovation-Management

Product definition

How do you turn your idea into a product or service?

With the support and our experience in methodology & technology, we define the optimal project based on your needs. With the involvement of all stakeholders, no aspect is forgotten and there are no expensive adjustments during development or production. 

Project and Innovation-Management
  • Project planning
  • Contract situation
  • Project team kick-off
  • Changeboard
  • Deliverables
  • "Make or buy" decision
  • Project risks & order
  • Quantity definition
  • Design briefing


We take care of the handling of highly complex, mechatronic system projects in sub-areas as well as holistic solutions from the idea to sales. Our project managers have extensive experience from successfully completed projects and special knowledge in programme and project management.

Together with your specialists, we develop a concept for precise planning. A lean and flexible organisation as well as independent and neutral cooperation support your project in every phase.

  • Requirements
  • Assembly & manufacturing costs
  • FMEA concept
  • Project scope
  • Risk analysis
  • Specifications
  • Design & UX concept
  • Design Mockup
Project and Innovation-Management


It is important to us to take a holistic view of your project, including the development of new technologies. The development is carried out according to our product development process (PDP), which is indispensable for successful project processing.

The PDP divides a development project into several individual stages, so-called gates and milestones. The strength of this process lies, among other things, in the fact that checkpoints focus attention specifically on quality and no process steps are omitted. Another advantage is that each section is structured across divisions, which means that tasks and decisions are never borne by a single unit of competence alone, but all divisions take on duties and responsibilities.
The individual sections are designed in such a way that staff from the different functional areas work in parallel on a variety of activities. With an ongoing evaluation of the project's success, it is possible to distribute your company's resources more effectively across the project portfolio and optimise them overall.

Project and Innovation-Management
  • System development
  • Optimisation points
  • Prototypes
  • FUM assessment
  • Operating concept
  • Design freeze
  • Usability
  • Production FMEA
  • Status report


Industrialisation is part of the overall development. The production method is adapted to the product from the very beginning. Our employees have many years of experience in the realisation of innovative mechatronic systems and take on project management in the industrialisation of new products. We rely on close cooperation with our development, design, quality assurance and production departments. We reliably supervise the project according to your specifications, offer comprehensive technical support and high process reliability. This results in efficient and effective industrialisation of high quality and a short "time-to-market". ISO 9001 & ISO 13485 certification supports the entire production process.

Our portfolio includes among others:

  • Technical support
  • Troubleshooting
  • Risk analysis
  • Process safety
  • SOP release
  • Pilot series
  • Review
  • 0-Series
Project and Innovation-Management

Series optimisation

Series optimisation is a central inventory part of the entire process. We support you in getting more out of your products for your customers. 

Thanks to the cooperation of key people, we identify obstacles at an early stage and point out possible optimisation potential. Defined processes ensure smooth handling.

Project and Innovation-Management
  • Series production
  • Delivery release by project team, management & customer
  • Defect list without A-points
  • Changeboard
  • Status report for customer
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