Nut Assemblies

Backlash taking up and non backlash taking up nut systems

The nut systems are available in different versions and for the different diameters of the acme screw spindles. The requirements of the application determine which nut system is optimally suited. The backlash-free nuts compensate for wear and have low friction as well as exceptional repeatability.


  • Backlash compensating and non-backlash compensating nut systems
  • Nuts for spindle diameters 2 to 24 mm
  • Standard nut material: Self-lubricating acetal (+TFE+silicone)
  • Other nut material: KN30 (Nylon+Carbon fibres+PTFE) or KP30 (PPS+Carbon fibres+PTFE)
  • Customised nut materials possible: PEEK, Polyester, Torlon, Vespel, PVDF etc.
  • Standard nut design or customised design possible


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