Lead Screws

Rolled precision spindles made of Inox steel (303 stainless)

The trapezoidal screws are available in diameters from 2 mm up to 24 mm ( 5/64" & 15/16") and with pitches between 0.30 and 92 mm. The spindles are available with metric and imperial pitches as well as right and left hand threads. Most spindles are precision rolled from 303 stainless steel. 


  • 40° flank angle
  • Length up to 3.5 m
  • PTFE (Teflon) coating possible up to length 2.5 m
  • Pitch accuracy from 0.6 µm/mm to 0.1 µm/mm
  • Straightness 0.0025 mm/mm (0.001 mm/mm depending on pitch/diameter)
  • Repeatability 1.25 µm
  • Mechanical end machining possible according to customer requirements

Various pitches are also available as left-hand threads (LH)
The trapezoidal thread spindles can be combined with various different nut systems (including backlash-releasing).

Please contact us. We will be happy to advise you on customised sizes, pitches and materials and show you the various possible combinations.


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