Strain Wave Gear WSHG

WSHG-I to -IV Series

The strain wave gear is a new type of transmission, which uses the elastic deformation of flexible components for motion or power transmission. It breaks through the mode of using rigid components to realize mechanical drive, thus obtaining a series of special functions that other transmissions cannot reach.

WSHG Series

The WSHG series has a hollow "top hat" and is characterized by the compact design of the entire gearbox.


  • Flat Shape, one-piece CAM structure
  • Compact and simple design
  • No backlash
  • Input-output coaxial
  • Excellent positioning and rotation accuracy

Industry Application

  • Industrial robots
  • Printing and papermaking industry
  • Medical machinery
  • Measurement, analysis, and testing
  • Packaging industry
  • Semiconductor manufacturing


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