Optical Encoders | LI Series

High-resolution, non-contact miniature encoders

The LI Series encoders are high-resolution, non-contact miniature linear encoders that provide two counting channels in quadrature (called A and B) as output signals.

The two output waveforms are 90 degrees out of phase and indicate both position and direction of movement. For example, if channel A is in front of channel B, the movement is from left to right on the scale when looking at the pattern side of the scale. Otherwise, if B is in front of A, the movement is in the opposite direction. 


  • Light source: Light emitting diode
  • Light sensor: AEDR Optical Asic
  • Resolution by quadrature
  • Output format: Differential RS422 line driver output. Two counting channels A and B in quadrature with an optional ZR output
  • Quadrature specification: 90° ±22° at maximum conditions
  • Rise and fall time: max. 1µs at 1000 pF load

Please note: The encoders are not available as single components but only in combination with a drive.

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