Disk Pack Couplings | Industrial

Robust and compact

Flexible shaft couplings in which the disk pack compensates for shaft misalignments (axial / lateral / angular). The torque in the disk pack is transmitted exclusively via the frictional connection of the clamping screws. This avoids micromovements in the connection to the plate and increases the torsional stiffness of the coupling. Couplings are also available in ATEX design.


  • Torque range 350 to 24'000 Nm 
  • Exact transmission of angle and torque
  • Durable
  • Wear & maintenance free
  • Torque transmission via frictional locking
  • High operational reliability
  • Compensation of axial, lateral and angular shaft misalignments

Areas of application

  • Steel mills
  • Printing machines
  • Packaging machines
  • Pumps according to api-standard
  • Agitators
  • Test benches
  • Fans
  • Generators
  • and many more
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