Application process

Applications can be difficult, especially if you don't even know what to expect after sending in your application documents. We make the process as easy as possible for you. On this page you will learn everything about the process.

At Antrimon, we value and respect the different personalities of our employees - this is already evident in our selection and recruitment process. We want to get to know you - on a personal and professional level. And you will get to know us, first through your colleagues in HR and management and later, on a larger scale, through your colleagues in the department.

We pride ourselves on a workforce that is incredibly diverse and dynamic - full of unique personalities with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. 

We look forward to getting to know you through your dossier. Together with the responsible supervisor, we will look at your CV and other documents. We will check whether your qualifications, skills and you as a person fit the advertised position and Antrimon. If your dossier has made a good impression, we look forward to getting to know you in a personal interview. 


Invitation to the interview

In this interview you will learn more about Antrimon, the advertised position and the challenges of our teams. The interview usually takes place with the team leader and HR. We not only want to get to know you better, but also to convince you of Antrimonas an employer. So you will also have the opportunity to ask us your questions at the first interview.

If we have convinced you and you have convinced us in the first interview, the invitation to the second interview will follow. We would like to get an even better picture of you and find out together whether you and Antrimon are a good match. At the second interview you will also have the chance to get to know the team.
After the second appointment, tell us with conviction that the position discussed and Antrimon is the right choice for you. If we are also convinced that you are the ideal match for us, we will promptly make you a binding offer. After your approval, you will receive your employment contract in the following days.

Of course, you can contact us by phone and email at any time during the application process.

Facts & Figures

Weekly working time without make-up time    42 hours
Holidays 25 days; from the age of 40th 27 days; from the age of 50th 30 days
13th month's wages Yes
Paternity leave 10 days
Overtime compensable
Pension Fund Election Plan Mini: +1%; Midi: + 2%; Maxi: + 3%
Training cost sharing Yes, according to regulations
Anniversary bonus Yes
Own parking space Yes
Fleet discount for car purchase up to 30%
Preventive health care Contribution to subscription costs in the Pro-Fitness Muri studio


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