Safety opens doors
Safety opens doors

Safety is a key issue with automated doors. Since they are construction elements with electric drives, they are subject to special safety requirements. Automatic doors must also close safely in an emergency and prevent fire compartments or the spread of smoke. If a passageway is designated as an escape and rescue route, automatic doors must open within a few seconds after being triggered or after a power failure so that the doors serve as safe escape and rescue routes in an emergency.

We were in the fire laboratory with our smartdoor and tested how the product behaves under extreme conditions and whether it meets the requirements.

You can see how such a test works in practice in the video.

You can find the test results in the test report.

Escape door & rescue routes

The door drive can be used for emergency exits with single or double doors. Fire doors with/without escape route requirements can be automated and barrier-free in the simplest way with the smartdoor TURN.

  • Double doors: Active leaf <50N, fixed leaf <75N
  • Optional Push & Go in battery operation

Since the door drive does not obstruct the door latch, children or people with walking disabilities can also open the door in the simplest way. Therefore, a door equipped with the smartdoor TURN T100 with emergency exit function is perfect for kindergartens & schools, healthcare facilities and public buildings.

Fire protection

Our smart door operator was put through its paces on swing doors by the TÜV. It passed the test for use on escape and rescue routes and fire doors with flying colours.
The smartdoor TURN has now been approved by TÜV for all types of installation according to DIN EN 16034 on fire doors according to EN 1363-1 & EN 1634-1 with EI30 (category B) and C5* classification for self-closing according to EN 13501-2 (* Tested with 500'000 cycles).

In addition, there are further TÜV confirmations:

  • Because the smartdoor TURN has the identical hole pattern of a door closer, it may be installed on already tested fire doors.
  • The smartdoor TURN may be used on escape and rescue routes.
  • This means that fire doors with/without escape route requirements can now be automated and barrier-free in the simplest way with the smartdoor TURN.
  • The TÜV certificate and all other documents required for the production of an automatic door system are stored in the download area.

Test specifications:

  • EN 16005:2012/AC:2015
  • EN 60335-1:2012/A14:2019
  • EN 60335-2-103:2015
  • EN ISO 13849-1:2015
  • DIN EN 16034:2014

Additional information:

  • The product complies with the requirements of DIN 18650-1:2010 and DIN 18650-2:2010.
  • The product meets the requirements of EN 16034:2014 "Fire resistance properties" with classification C5* for self-closing according to EN 13501-2. * Tested with 500'000 cycles. During installation, all requirements of the mentioned test specification(s) and approval conditions must be fulfilled.
  • The results recorded in the fire test report can be transferred to constructions similar to the tested construction without additional assessment. The tested adapter plate can be used on already tested fire doors to mount the smartdoor TURN on the hole pattern of the tested door closer.

Closing sequence control

Correct closing is ensured by a so-called closing sequence control, which automates the moving leaf and only closes it when the fixed leaf of the door is already closed. In the test application, the behaviour of an open double leaf door operated with smartdoor TURN was tested in the event of a power failure. The smartdoor TURN mastered the controlled closing sequence with electric locking with flying colours. Obstacle detection is also no problem for the smartdoor TURN.


  • Controlled closing sequence
  • Locking by electric shafts
  • Communication between the door operators
  • Position indication

In our short video you can see the closing sequence with the smartdoor TURN T100

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