smartdoor TURN Clean Packages
smartdoor TURN Clean Packages
The right solution for each application

Clean Package SWISS

  • Combination of an electric door operator smartdoor TURN T100 and a CleanSwitch pushbutton
  • Convenient access to all rooms without a door
  • Uncomplicated opening of the desired door with a short hand gesture
  • Touchless and barrier-free operation
  • Hygienic & quiet
  • Powerless locking of the door
  • Quick installation & simple wiring
  • 1 to 1 replacement of the usual door closer
Clean Packages

Thanks to the smartdoor, you have your hands free. Without any contact from a door handle, you can conveniently enter any room. Simple installation and fully automatic commissioning via APP round off the package. 

The possible uses of the smartdoor Clean Package SWISS are versatile. The package is suitable for many doors in public buildings such as health care facilities, commercial enterprises, restaurants, but also for use at home. 

Clean Packages

Clean Package OPHARDT

Combination of our smartdoor TURN with the disinfection dispenser Praesidio from OPHARDT enables contactless and germ-free opening.

The advantages:

  • Contactless and germ-free operation
  • Disinfects
  • Hygienic & quiet
  • Safe closing is guaranteed

Thanks to the Clean Package OPHARDT, you are in control. The disinfection dispenser becomes the key - no entry without disinfection to your premises. The spread of viruses and bacteria hardly stands a chance.

Clean Package FLAT

With our Clean Package FLAT, we offer targeted opening for the perfect safe and hygienic solution.  Users can pass through the door at their own pace without being surprised by sudden door movements. This increases safety, especially for people with limited mobility and children.

The advantages:

  • Touchless operation
  • Situationally appropriate
  • Monitored & secure
  • Expandable motor lock or e-opener
Clean Packages

Since the entire passage is monitored, the door only closes when this area is free. All crushing and shearing edges are safe. The sensor detects people in risk areas. The permanent monitoring of the passageway reduces unnecessary door movements and protects the drive by means of reduced cycles.

The application possibilities of the smartdoor Clean Package FLAT are versatile. The package is suitable for many interior and exterior doors in public buildings such as health care facilities, retirement homes, schools, kindergartens, but also in companies for a comfortable flow of people. If a locking system is required, a Glutz motor lock can also be integrated for application.

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