Professional software and firmware of high quality and maintainability
  1. Software

Our software engineering: specialists in hardware-related programming

We at Antrimon offer comprehensive software development with a focus on hardware-related programming. Our areas of expertise are MCU firmware, motion control, display drivers and functional safety.

Thanks to our expertise in the development of software for motion control systems and safety standards, we enable reliable solutions for applications in automation and industry.

The modern embedded operating system
The modern embedded operating system

Zephyr is an open source real-time operating system developed by the Linux Foundation for the Internet of Things. It supports a large number of different hardware architectures.

Robot Operating System (ROS)
Robot Operating System (ROS)

Welcome to the world of ROS - a fascinating and powerful set of open source software libraries and tools that have revolutionized the development of robotics applications . With its modular structure and a multitude of functions for sensor processing, evaluation, planning and control, ROS opens up unimagined possibilities not only in robotics, but also in various industrial systems.

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Software Engineering

  • Embedded Systems
  • Firmware and drivers for microcontrollers
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Server solutions and cloud connections

Programming languages

  • C#
  • C++
  • C
  • Python

By product development process

  • Use Cases
  • Specifications
  • Software architecture
  • Implementation
  • Bug fixes
  • Release


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