Hardware development as the basis for a successful mechatronic product
Hardware development as the basis for a successful mechatronic product
  1. Electronics
  2. Laboratory
  3. Software

Hardware development

Analogue and digital systems - perfect balance between tradition and progress

Welcome to the fascinating world of analogue and digital systems, where we find the perfect balance between tradition and progress. At a time when digital technologies dominate, we recognise the invaluable value of analogue systems and their role in preserving proven concepts and principles.

Our service ranges from prototypes to concept creation to the finished fully documented series product.

Focus areas

High-speed digital systems
High-speed digital systems

Maximum performance, limitless possibilities

High-speed electronics design with Altium: Realize your technological visions at breathtaking speed!

HW engineering
HW engineering

Precise solutions for your individual hardware requirements

From the creation of schematics and layouts to the generation of production data, the entire development process is covered. We support you in the realisation of your hardware projects from start to finish.

Electromagnetic compatibility
Electromagnetic compatibility

Understanding, analyzing and protecting against electromagnetic interference

With the seamless integration of WLAN, Bluetooth and customized wireless technologies by our outstanding and experienced experts, you can connect the world wirelessly and effortlessly - limitless innovation.

High current special applications
High current special applications

Powerful high-current applications

Tailor-made electronics for high loads, for example, in the e-mobility sector.

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Areas of activity

  • Hardware development and reviews
  • Hardware for microcontroller 
  • Embedded programming
  • PCB design
  • Motor electronics for DC, BLDC and PMSM drives
  • Energy management, energy storage and switching power supplies
  • Power and measurement electronics
  • Protection circuits for lithium-ion batteries
  • Electronic design review of schematics and layouts

Areas of experience

  • Optimal battery management of lithium-ion batteries
  • EMC compliant designs & support for EMC problems
  • Sensor technology (capacitive, optical, magnetic & inductive)
  • User interfaces and display technology
  • Circuit simulation 
  • Test concept development
  • Windows and LabView programming for test and inspection stands
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