Stepper motor ZT04

Performance in an ultra-compact 2-axis design

Designed for easy integration into OEM assemblies, Z-Theta provides linear and rotary point-to-point motion in a compact package. Unlike developments based on individual components from different users, Z-Theta is a modular "bolt-in" assembly.


  • NEMA 17/23 with encoder
  • Stroke max. 305 mm
  • Speed up to 152 mm/s
  • Axial force max. 67N
  • Encoder rotary up to 12'000 CPR
  • Encoder linear up to 2'000 CPR


  • Compact coaxial design requires a small footprint
  • Easy design integration
  • Pre-engineered modular design reduces supply chain and time to market
  • Configuration options optimise performance for specific applications
  • Compatible with a wide range of drivers and controllers
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