StepIM stepper motor with integrated electronics

Closed loop stepper motors for an efficient and economical application

Thanks to their outstanding control and cost-effective design, StepIM integrated closed-loop stepper motors are an efficient and economical solution for applications that require the performance of a servo motor at the price of a stepper motor. Also, no gear reduction is needed to achieve low speeds at high torque.


  • Magnetic 12-bit single-turn absolute encoder
  • Torque, speed and position control
  • CANopen as standard, EtherCAT available on request (NEMA 23 in IP65)
  • Intelligent control for high performance without step losses
  • Efficient torque utilisation
  • Integrated design allows for reduced component and wiring requirements
  • Reduced space requirements, installation and system costs
  • Synchronised control of coordinated motion profiles
  • Reduced machine complexity as stepIM can be used as a remote I/O point
  • Protection class up to IP65
  • Simplest commissioning via ServoStudio
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