Servo motors Tetra & Tetra Compact

Brushless servo motors with a wide range of power levels

The Tetra & Tetra Compact brushless servo motors are available in a wide range of power levels and in high and low inertia versions, providing targeted solutions for a variety of applications.

The unique and patented design of the rotor section of these brushless motors ensures optimum performance in a wide range of applications, especially when dynamics and stable speeds are required.
These servo motors are ideal for positioning applications and guarantee superior results in process handling, material handling, automation, robotics and actuator applications.


  • Customised versions possible
  • Rated output power 60 W to 8 kW
  • Maximum servo motor speed up to 5000 rpm
  • Insulation class F
  • IP 65 RATING
  • Feedback: 2-pole resolver, TTL encoder, multiturn absolute encoder (Hiperface)
  • UL certification


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