Rotary Table

Direct drive torque servo motors with high positioning accuracy and zero backlash

The direct drive rotary table servo motors are ideal for applications where zero backlash and accurate positioning are required. The torque servo motors of the SKA Rotary Table series are characterised by a sophisticated design that perfectly meets the requirements of highly dynamic high-end applications. These servo motors are also available in combination with the Flexi Pro intelligent digital drives to meet high torque, high precision motion control.


  • Voltage 230 VAC and 400 VAC
  • Instantaneous peak torque up to 2400 Nm
  • High speed operation up to 1400 rpm
  • Maximum motor speed up to 900 rpm
  • High precision indexing with over 1'000'000 PPR after interpolation
  • Absolute accuracy ± 25 and 11 arc seconds
  • Zero backlash for motion sequences at high accuracy and speed with short implementation times
  • High positioning accuracy
  • Analogue encoder for better resolution
  • Application-friendly drive concept
  • Speed, torque and positioning control


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