Motoroller MTR Gearless

Gearless direct drive for infinite start and stop cycles

The gearless drive series has been specially developed for the motion sequences of roller, cross belt and conveyor belt systems. They are installed directly in the rollers and thus enable a direct drive without gears with all the features of direct drive technology as well as the advantages of lower maintenance, energy savings and higher performance. They can handle an infinite number of start and stop cycles and operate quietly. In addition, a series of controllers has been specially developed for applications of this kind.

Two versions are available: Frameless cartridges, which can be mounted directly in any roller, and the Power Pack version as a ready-to-use roller drive.


  • High speeds possible
  • Infinitely variable speed control over a wide speed range
  • Increase in system efficiency due to high efficiency of motorised rollers
  • Speed and positioning accuracy
  • High dynamics thanks to direct drive technology
  • Only one part number due to elimination of gear reduction
  • Simple commissioning
  • Easy replacement with the DMR drives' auto-addressing system
  • High MTBF due to gearless design


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