Linear/Rotary Actuators LBR

Moving Coil Actuator

Slim, stackable linear rotary actuator with a brushless direct drive motor

The linear/rotary actuators combine linear and rotary movement in a single unit. The precise Z-theta movement in one actuator makes it ideal for pick & place and alignment tasks. All models also feature a vacuum passage in the piston rod.

The LBR series offers long life, high linear force and torque and is specifically designed for capping, thread inspection and smart screw drive applications.


  • Softland and precise force/torque control
  • Precise positioning
  • Encoder resolution linear: 5µm standard resolution, optional: 0.5 µm and 0.1µm
  • Encoder resolution rotary: 2000 to 20000 increments
  • Vacuum passage in the shaft
  • Return spring optionally available
  • Long life (>100 million cycles)


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