Electric Cylinders CBL

Moving Coil Actuator

Compact high-speed cylinder actuators as an alternative to pneumatic cylinders

The electric cylinders offer a service life of well over 100 million cycles, high speed, accuracy, energy efficiency and the ability to repeat a movement within milliseconds.
The cylindrical design and various mounting options of the actuators allow for easy replacement of pneumatic actuators in many cases. The cylinders are also available with an integrated controller.


  • No compressed air and quiet operation
  • Long service life (>100 million cycles)
  • Up to 100 N peak force
  • Stroke up to 25mm
  • High cycle speed > 2000 CPR
  • Programmable position, speed and force
  • Ideal for clean room environments
  • Option with higher IP protection - "Softand" function provides precise detection of product position
  • Optional: integrated controller with GUI


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