Direct drive SKA Compact

Complete and linear plug-and-play system

The SKA Compact linear servo motor is a complete and linear plug-and-play system that combines the power of direct drive technology with the ease of installation of an extruded aluminium housing.

The synchronous iron-core linear axis with high force density is particularly suitable for applications that require frequent changes of direction and positioning accuracy. The elimination of mechanical backlash typical of traditional systems, lower energy consumption, installation flexibility and the possibility of combining axes are among the main advantages of this solution.


  • Continuous force from 58 N to 1600 N
  • Speed up to 5 m/s
  • Acceleration up to 50 m/s²
  • Accuracy from 0.01 mm to 0.1 mm
  • Fully encapsulated mechanics with high protection class
  • NdFeB magnets
  • Encoders: SinCos encoder, optical and magnetic TTL, Hall-effect sensors

Technical data

  • Stroke 3000 mm
  • Max. load 1650 N


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