Product catalogue - Motors

Our motors fulfil a wide range of drive technology tasks and fit seamlessly into your automation system. Whether standard or customised motors, we support you in choosing the right drive technology for your application. 

Torque Motor SKA DDR
Torque Motor SKA DDR
Three-phase motors
Three-phase motors
Stepper motor ZT04
Stepper motor ZT04
StepIM stepper motor with integrated electronics
StepIM stepper motor with integrated electronics
Servomotor Tetra Compact 4
Servomotor Tetra Compact 4
Servo motors with integrated electronics DUET
Servo motors with integrated electronics DUET
Servo motors Tetra & Tetra Compact
Servo motors Tetra & Tetra Compact
Servo motor Tetra Compact-X
Servo motor Tetra Compact-X
Servo motor Tetra Compact-E
Servo motor Tetra Compact-E
Servo motor Tetra Compact Low Voltage
Servo motor Tetra Compact Low Voltage
STP stepper motors with integrated electronics
STP stepper motors with integrated electronics
Rotary Table
Rotary Table
Motoroller MTR Gearless
Motoroller MTR Gearless
Linear/Rotary Actuators LCR
Linear/Rotary Actuators LCR
Linear/Rotary Actuators LBR
Linear/Rotary Actuators LBR
Linear/Rotary Actuators LAR
Linear/Rotary Actuators LAR
Linear slide actuators SLA
Linear slide actuators SLA
Linear slide actuators LCS
Linear slide actuators LCS
Linear slide actuators LBS
Linear slide actuators LBS
Linear slide actuators LAS
Linear slide actuators LAS
Linear actuators with integrated controller LDL
Linear actuators with integrated controller LDL
Linear actuators LDL
Linear actuators LDL
Linear actuators LCA
Linear actuators LCA
Linear actuators LBL
Linear actuators LBL
Linear actuators LAL
Linear actuators LAL
Linear actuator IDEA Drive
Linear actuator IDEA Drive
Hybrid linear actuators
Hybrid linear actuators
Frameless BLDC
Frameless BLDC
Electric cylinders with integrated controller
Electric cylinders with integrated controller
Electric cylinder CTL
Electric cylinder CTL
Electric Cylinders CBL
Electric Cylinders CBL
Direct drive SKA DDL
Direct drive SKA DDL
Direct drive SKA Compact
Direct drive SKA Compact
DC motors with integrated electronics | i series
DC motors with integrated electronics | i series
DC motors ironless 4-pole
DC motors ironless 4-pole
DC gear motors
DC gear motors
DC gear motor ROK
DC gear motor ROK
DC Motors Brushed Series M
DC Motors Brushed Series M
DC Motor ironless
DC Motor ironless
Can-Stack Stepper Motor
Can-Stack Stepper Motor
Brushed servo motors ESA
Brushed servo motors ESA
Brushed servo motor PENTA
Brushed servo motor PENTA
BLDC motors with integrated electronics | CMC series
BLDC motors with integrated electronics | CMC series
BLDC motors ironless
BLDC motors ironless
BLDC motors external rotor
BLDC motors external rotor
BLDC motors EM with integrated electronics
BLDC motors EM with integrated electronics
BLDC motors BL
BLDC motors BL
BLDC Motors ironless 4-pole
BLDC Motors ironless 4-pole
AC capacitor motors
AC capacitor motors
AC Synchronous Motors
AC Synchronous Motors

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