Gripper series MGR

The specialist for fragile small parts

Electric grippers combine programmable speeds, positions and forces with data feedback. Each finger can be controlled independently allowing precise control of force, measurement and positioning. This makes them ideal for a wide range of positioning, measuring and inspection applications, especially where 100% control is required.

The MGR mini grippers are ideal for assembling fragile small parts in electronics and other industries. The MGR operates with up to 10 g gripping force and each arm is separately programmable. The very low moving mass allows very easy approach to the surface.


  • Compact and very low moving mass
  • Up to 10 g gripping force
  • Soft-land programme, for PICK&PLACE of delicate and fragile small parts
  • Individual pincers can be programmed separately for position, force and speed
  • 1 micron linear encoder series


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