Product catalogue - Gearboxes

Power Packs Gearboxes - Our spur, planetary and worm gearboxes are cost-efficient and optimally matched to the appropriate motors. The ideal combination increases flexibility in low-duty applications.

Please note: The gearboxes are not offered as individual components. They are exclusively available in combination with a drive.

Worm gears WR
Worm gears WR
Worm gears WD
Worm gears WD
Worm gears SN
Worm gears SN
Strain Wave Gear WSHG
Strain Wave Gear WSHG
Strain Wave Gear WSHD
Strain Wave Gear WSHD
Strain Wave Gear WCSG
Strain Wave Gear WCSG
Strain Wave Gear WCSD
Strain Wave Gear WCSD
Spur gears SSG
Spur gears SSG
Planetary gears SPG
Planetary gears SPG
Planetary gears PI
Planetary gears PI
Customised gearboxes
Customised gearboxes

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