Optical Encoders | Series LL

Miniature linear encoders with small cross-section

The LL series encoders are non-contact, high-resolution miniature incremental linear encoders. They provide two counting channels in quadrature - RS422 output signals. The series is available in 1 and 5 micron resolutions.


  • Dimensions: 31.2 x 6.3 x 12.4 mm
  • Resolution: 5 & 1 micron
  • Freq. response: 4.8m/sec (5µm), 3m/sec (1µm)
  • Light source: Light emitting diode
  • Light sensor: Optical ASIC
  • Output format: RS422 differential line driver output. Two counting channels A and B in quadrature with an optional ZR output.
  • Quadrature specification: 90° ± 45° at maximum conditions
  • Rise and fall time: max. 1 µs, with 1000 pF load
  • Travel: up to 250 mm
  • Special lengths on request

Please note: The encoders are not available as individual components but only in combination with a drive.

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