Optical Encoders | IGO Series

Optical encoders for high resolution and accuracy

Optical encoders (incremental) enable the precise evaluation of speed as well as angular position and form the basis for high-precision control loops. They are particularly suitable for positioning tasks and precise speed control. All encoders have 2 channels, 90° phase shift and are TTL-compatible. Optionally, a 3rd channel with index pulse is also possible.


  • Contactless and wear-free optical incremental encoder
  • The encoder supplies two 110° phase-shifted, TTL-compatible square-wave signals
  • Mating connector e.g. Molex connector 5-pole Type 5051 with contacts Type 2759
  • Optional: reference pulse
  • Operating voltage = 5V

Please note: The encoders are not available as single components but only in combination with a drive.

Other encoder types available on request (other number of pulses, with line driver, index...)

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