Optical Encoders | ETD Series

Encoders with small diameter

Optical encoders (incremental) enable the precise evaluation of speed as well as angular position and form the basis for high-precision control loops. They are particularly suitable for positioning tasks and precise speed control.


  • ø 7 - 16 mm
  • 2 to 3 channels
  • Resolution 64 to 1024 ppr
  • Maximum rotation speed 25'000 to 55'000 rpm
  • For positioning tasks
  • For detection of direction of rotation
  • For speed detection (from number of pulses per time unit)
  • Easy to attach to various motors
  • Standard solution for many applications

Please note: The encoders are not available as individual components but only in combination with a drive.

Other encoder types available on request (other number of pulses, with line driver, index...)


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