Magnetic Encoders | IGMi Series

Contactless and wear-free

Magnetic encoders are preferable for applications where a robust design is required. Magnetic incremental encoders of the IGMi series operate contactless and wear-free. They are equipped with Hall sensors and a permanent magnet pole wheel with alternating polarities.

A 1-channel and a 2-channel version are available, each with a 90° phase shift. The output level depends on the supply voltage. The encoder's output is available either with a pull-up resistor or optionally with an open collector. In addition, extended protection circuits or an integrated version are possible.


  • Contactless and wear-free
  • Voltage range from 5 to 24 VDC
  • Open-collector output
  • Integrated pull-up resistors
  • Can be integrated directly into motors
  • Standard solution for many applications

Other encoder types available on request.

Please note: The encoders are not available as individual components but only in combination with a drive.


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