Motion Control Development

Flexible and individual control and drive systems, economical & sensible

Our in-depth expertise and passion for mechatronics form the basis for innovative solutions that give you a technological edge over your competitors. With the flexible motion control platform, we develop individual control and drive systems, customised to your own mechanics - economical, intelligent and future-proof. We support you with the cost-optimised drive design, the selection of the right drive components and offer you professional support during commissioning.

You define the required specifications and we get started.

  • Embedded hardware and software development
  • Validation and tests
  • EMC pre-compliance tests during development
  • Implementation of field buses
  • Prototype production in-house

The flexible structure of the motion control platform makes it possible to develop your individual solution in the shortest possible time. You define the required specifications and we design your cost-optimised control system from our modular system.

Your advantages

  • Cost reduction through customised solution
  • Perfect adaptation to your own mechanics
  • Competitive advantage in your industry
  • Increased innovation through rapid market introduction


Intelligent drive technology paves the way to digitalisation. Our experts develop smart controls for efficient applications with a high degree of efficiency. Comprehensive analyses in our in-house drive technology test laboratory guarantee high quality.

  • Solution-oriented control algorithms
  • Various communication interfaces
  • HMI, service and software commissioning
  • Industry 4.0 | Easy integration
Customised motion controllers
Customised motion controllers

Functional samples & prototypes

The large selection of standard motor controllers for the most diverse types of electric motors enables the implementation of functional models and prototypes of mechatronic systems within a very short time. 

  • Simple and fast configuration
  • Particularly suitable for small and medium production runs
  • Simple macro programming
  • Perfect for samples, laboratory and test applications

Customized Solutions

Based on the Unified Motion Control construction kit, we offer you application- and price-optimised drive solutions with our SMARTdrive. Ideally suited for use in series products.

  • Time-to-market - Rapid development thanks to modular system
  • Individual - Needs-based and flexible solution
  • Versatile -  Integration of various systems
  • IoT-ready - Equipped for the future
  • Strong partner - Many years of experience
  • Local partner - Uncomplicated and near to you
Customised motion controllers
Customised motion controllers

Quick Scan

Our specialists will analyse for you, free of charge and without obligation, the coordination between motor and control system, as well as the selection of the appropriate system architecture. This results in recommendations that can have a significant influence on the costs, performance and service life and equip your product for the future.

Our analysis addresses the following question:

  • How do you reduce the annually recurring costs?
  • How do you gain a competitive advantage?
  • How do you stay competitive?
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