Miniature Bellows Couplings | Precision

Backlash-free and user friendly

Where torques as low as 0.05 Nm are to be transmitted and shaft diameters as small as 1mm are to be connected, miniature bellows couplings (MK series) from R+W are the right choice. As a result of the trend toward miniaturization - for example, in medical technology, laboratory equipment, and micro-pumps - this product plays an important role in a growth market. Zero backlash miniature bellows couplings are the convincing design solution among precision couplings for size reduced equipment.


  • Torque range 0.05 to 10 Nm 
  • Absolutely backlash-free
  • Compensation of axial, lateral and angular shaft misalignments
  • High torsional spring stiffness
  • Exact transmission of angle and torque
  • Easy assembly and disassembly
  • Durable
  • Wear and maintenance-free

Areas of application

For angle-synchronous torque transmission in connection with

  • Encoders
  • Small servo drives
  • Tachos
  • Stepper motors
  • Potentiometers
  • Measuring and control systems
  • and many more
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