
Simpler, faster and cost-efficient

Precision line shaft couplings are flexible couplings are used for spanning larger distances between mechanical components. The compensating elements (metal bellows, elastomer ring) compensate for lateral, axial and angular shaft misalignment. The torque is transmitted backlash-free and torsionally stiff or vibration-damping. The connecting flanges for the intermediate tube are gimballed in the metal bellows coupling. The line shafts are also available in ATEX design.


  • Torque range 9 to 25'000 Nm 
  • Radial assembly & disassembly of the cardan shaft possible
  • Standard lengths up to 6 m
  • No intermediate storage necessary
  • Also available as vibration damping version

Areas of application

  • Palletising robots
  • Lifting spindle units
  • Printing machines
  • Packaging machines
  • Conveyor systems
  • Wood processing machines
  • and many more

Vibration damping line shafts with elastomer inserts as the compensating elements absorb vibration and shock loads. In their standard configurations they are available in lengths of up to 4 meters, bore diameters ranging from 5 to 140 mm, and torque capacities of up to 25,000 Nm.

Torsionally rigid lines shafts use high precision metal bellows couplings on the ends. Thanks to a special support system that transfers the weight of the intermediate tube out to the end hubs while still allowing for misalignment compensation, they can span distances of up to 6 meters. Bellows type line shafts cover a torque range from 10 to 4,000 Nm and bore diameters ranging from 5 to 100 mm.

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