Elastomer Couplings | Precision

For smooth running

Plug-in, flexible shaft couplings for backlash-free torque transmission by means of a pre-stressed elastomer rim. In addition to the compensation of lateral, axial and angular shaft misalignment, the stiffness and damping behaviour can be varied via different degrees of hardness of the elastomer rim. Also available in ATEX version.


  • Torque range 0.5 to 25'000 Nm 
  • Backlash-free
  • Vibration damping
  • Electrically insulating
  • Pluggable
  • Compensation of axial, lateral & angular shaft misalignments
  • Corrosion resistant

Areas of application

  • Servo drive technology
  • Machine tools
  • Packaging machines
  • Automation systems
  • Printing machines
  • Control & positioning technology
  • General mechanical engineering
  • Pumps & agitators
  • Roller shutter drives
  • and much more
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