Metal Bellows Couplings | Precision

Zero Backlash, torsionally stiff and highly precise

Bellows couplings are especially suitable for direct connection between two coaxial shafts. The metal bellows defines the characteristics of the coupling and compensates lateral, axial and angular shaft misalignment with low restoring forces. Backlash-free, torsionally rigid metal bellows guarantee precise positioning of the driven load and can be used in highly dynamic cyclic duty applications, as well as at high rotational speeds - up to 120,000 rpm depending on the model.


  • Torque range 2 to 10,000 Nm 
  • Compact and absolutely backlash-free
  • Wear and maintenance-free
  • High operational reliability
  • Variable shaft connections
  • Compensation of axial, lateral and angular shaft misalignments
  • Low restoring forces
  • Very high speeds possible
  • Good concentricity

Areas of application

High-precision metal bellows couplings are used wherever positioning accuracy is required:

  • Medical technology
  • In test benches
  • Wind turbines
  • In highly dynamic servo axes of machine tools
  • Woodworking machines
  • Packaging machines
  • and many more
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