Product catalogue - Couplings

The couplings we offer work dynamically, precisely and without backlash. They reduce friction to a minimum, are low-wear and maintenance-free - and thus guarantee a long service life and performance.

Precision couplings transmit torques from 0.05 to 25,000 Nm, depending on the type of coupling. When using industrial couplings, nominal torques of 200 to 2,080,000 Nm are transmitted. 

Smart Couplings
Smart Couplings
Servo Disc Couplings | Precision
Servo Disc Couplings | Precision
Safety couplings | Precision
Safety couplings | Precision
Safety Couplings | Industrial
Safety Couplings | Industrial
Miniature Bellows Couplings | Precision
Miniature Bellows Couplings | Precision
Metal Bellows Couplings | Industrial
Metal Bellows Couplings | Industrial
Metal Bellows Couplings | Precision
Metal Bellows Couplings | Precision
Flexible Gear Couplings | Industrial
Flexible Gear Couplings | Industrial
Elastomer Couplings | Precision
Elastomer Couplings | Precision
Elastic Jaw Couplings | Industrial
Elastic Jaw Couplings | Industrial
Disk Pack Couplings | Industrial
Disk Pack Couplings | Industrial

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