Coordinated drive systems for your application purposes - no more and no less
  1. Mechanics
  2. Motion
  3. Production

Implementation of drive technology

Intelligent solutions, individually designed for you

There is always great potential for optimisation in interfaces between the motor and the system connection. Enormous advantages can be generated through intelligent integration of the drive into the application: For example, cost savings, higher power efficiency, smaller installation space, fewer components, ease of assembly, and service or longer service life. The challenge often lies in the technical details. With our experience and access to a worldwide network, we support you in the development and provide you with a decisive market advantage for your application.

We carry out initial calculations for you and show which drive can be used to perfectly match the torque-speed characteristic of the motor to the characteristic of the driven machine. The structured approach avoids undersizing or oversizing. We will provide you with exactly the drive system that is optimally matched to your needs.

Find out in the technical reports below what influence the motor technology has on the reliability and service life of an application, whether small electric motors are more efficient and whether sometimes a windscreen wiper motor is not completely sufficient.

implementierte antriebstechnik
implementierte antriebstechnik
implementierte antriebstechnik
implementierte antriebstechnik
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Core competencies

  • Drive system design that takes account of the environment and other requirements
  • Development of mechatronic systems
  • Analytical optimisation and system analyses
  • Development of custom combination gearboxes (with special reductions, interfaces etc.)
  • Manufacture, assembly, testing and commissioning of prototypes
  • Feasibility tests and studies concerning drive system concepts
  • Preliminary studies concerning requirements and functional specification document definitions


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