Assembling of mechanical & electromechanical components and customised sub-assemblies
Assembling of mechanical & electromechanical components and customised sub-assemblies
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  3. Production

Efficient small-batch production: strategies and advantages

Small batch production enables companies to respond flexibly to customer requirements - but what challenges does it pose and which technologies allow it to be carried out cost-effectively? New technologies play a crucial role in cost-efficient small batch production by offering agility, precision and flexibility. Learn about Antrimon's capabilities in this area.

The most important facts

  • Small series production is characterized by a high degree of flexibility and adaptability in order to take individual customer requirements and market factors into account

  • As a rule, small series are production quantities of up to 20 units; however, we can also realize projects for medium series production of batches of up to 1000 products.

  • The planning and implementation phase of a small series requires detailed structuring and quality assurance, whereby the right production partner is crucial for dealing with challenges and the subsequent fulfillment of specific requirements.

Effiziente Kleinserienfertigung

An overview of small series production

Small series production is a multifaceted field characterized by the ability to respond to the specific needs of our customers and their situation. At Antrimon, we show that small series does not just mean a handful of items - we realize projects with up to 1000 pieces, including one-offs. The particular strength of small-batch production lies in its adaptability, which makes it possible to take into account individual customer requirements and market factors such as seasonal fluctuations.

By transferring the systematics of mass production to the special challenges of small quantities, we enable targeted and efficient production.

Advantages of small series production

The aforementioned high degree of design freedom and adaptability to market changes is probably the most significant advantage of small series production. Innovative manufacturing methods and lean production facilities eliminate the additional costs for expensive production tools, which enables products with a high degree of individuality without additional costs. Another key advantage is the ability to implement product changes quickly and cost-effectively, which can be initiated by customer feedback. Small batch production is also an answer to the challenges of global supply chains by enabling companies to respond flexibly and efficiently to demand for smaller quantities.

The ability to adapt quickly and overcome supply chain bottlenecks are therefore clear strengths of small batch production. This flexibility is proving particularly valuable in a fast-moving world, where a company that can adapt quickly has a decisive advantage.

Planning and realization of a small series production

The planning and implementation of a small series requires a high level of attention to detail and a clear structure of the production process within the abstract architecture of the system. This is defined at the beginning and refined in the course of development. In order to manage the complexity, the system is broken down into subsystems and finally into atomic units, which are evaluated and optimized.

The production of different types of goods requires flexible planning that takes this diversity into account.

Manufacturers are faced with the challenge of adapting mass production systems so that they can meet the requirements of small quantities. A production partner that provides support beyond the manufacturing process can be critical to overcoming design and engineering challenges and supporting the project throughout its lifecycle. Let's talk about how we can meet your requirements for the quantity you need.

Production planning and control

Quality assurance and quality control are key elements in production planning and control, especially when producing small batches, to ensure that the end product meets requirements. These processes ensure that the products meet the requirements. By identifying and resolving potential problems at an early stage, quality control can guarantee the success of the series. The ability to fulfill orders quickly is another crucial aspect, especially when internal capacity is limited. It is also important that delivery times are in line with the project schedule, as these can vary depending on the manufacturing process.

These processes ensure that the end products, i.e. the products, meet the expected standards and reach the customer on time, which is very important for the company's reputation and satisfaction.

3 things to consider in relation to small production runs:

  1. Freeingup internal resources: Outsourcing can be an effective way to free up internal production and ensure consistent quality. It can also help with the production of various parts and components, such as those made from polyamide (PA 12).

  2. Sustainability: Small batch production drives innovation in manufacturing technology and helps to reduce CO2 emissions. Because production can be carried out to the point, unnecessary waste is avoided.

  3. Partner selection: Selecting the right partner who both understands the challenges and can offer the right solutions is crucial to the success of small series production. Our team will be happy to draw up a concept for the manufacture of your product in the quantities you require, including the procurement of materials and, of course, taking all regulations into account.

Comparison with large-scale production

Small series generally have higher unit costs than products that are produced in large series. Nevertheless, you may even save costs on the way from the idea to the market, as high investments in mass production tools are avoided. This process allows you to react quickly to market conditions without having to dispose of thousands of units in the worst-case scenario. Small batch production is therefore particularly suitable for companies that need speed and adaptability to respond to customer requirements or market trends.

In comparison, large-scale production is better suited to high volumes and standardized products, while small-scale production has its strengths in flexibility and speed, which is particularly advantageous for frequently changing product variants and smaller quantities.


Small series production is not just a manufacturing option, but a strategic decision that helps companies to assert themselves in a highly competitive environment. It opens up new horizons in product development by overcoming the limits of mass production while promoting sustainability and innovation.


Frequently asked questions

What is an example of series production?

One example of series production is the manufacture of HMI components for railways and transportation.

However, Antrimon has also produced medical devices and door drives and many other small series.

Why is small series production particularly flexible?

Small series production is particularly flexible because it allows us to react quickly to individual customer requirements and market factors and to manufacture customized products without large investments. This leads to a high degree of flexibility in the production of different products.

What role do modern manufacturing methods play in small series production?

Manufacturing methods such as 3D printing and rapid tooling play a decisive role in small series production, as they enable products to be manufactured individually and quickly without high tooling costs. 3D printing offers particular advantages in terms of agility, costs, product customization and short lead times. As a result, complex components and design changes can be implemented efficiently. We can achieve this in collaboration with the Swiss Factory Group.

What are the challenges and costs of small series production compared to mass production?

The challenges of small series production lie in adapting mass production systems to smaller quantities and ensuring flexibility, efficiency and quality assurance. There is also the need to meet delivery times.

How can outsourcing be beneficial in small batch production?

Outsourcing in small batch production can allow companies to focus on their core competencies while specialized partners take over production, creating more flexibility and capacity. This can relieve the burden on internal production and at the same time ensure continuous quality assurance.

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