Assembling of mechanical & electromechanical components and customised sub-assemblies
Assembling of mechanical & electromechanical components and customised sub-assemblies
  1. Electronics
  2. Mechatronics
  3. Production

Are you looking for a partner who can turn your idea into a product that you can hold in your hands and test? Thanks not least to the cooperation with our colleagues from engineering and drive technology, we at Antrimon Production can offer highly effective solutions.

Advantages of rapid prototyping

  • Rapid prototyping allows design errors to be detected at an early stage.

  • The development time and therefore the time-to-market is shortened.

  • Design and product quality is improved in order to meet customer requirements and expectations, and flexibility increases.


Prototyping process

Subtractive manufacturing

  • Our Swiss Factory Group network has a large machine park and can mill housing prototypes for field tests or pre-series from solid aluminum.

  • The process has the advantage over MLS that high tolerances and fine surfaces can be achieved.

  • It is also faster and cheaper than MLS.

  • The material properties are close to those of the series product.

Other processes

  • Each process has its own strengths and weaknesses and is selected depending on the application.

  • Another process is selective laser melting (SLM). Here, a thin layer of metal powder is selectively melted in order to build up complex structures layer by layer. This 3D printing process is characterized by higher strength and is particularly suitable for prototypes with higher quality requirements or small series.


Our services

Customized solutions for your projects

  • We are a leading prototype construction company in Switzerland with many years of experience in the development and production of prototypes for various industries.

  • Our highly qualified employees and state-of-the-art machinery guarantee fast and reliable implementation of your projects.

  • We focus on the highest quality and precision by using modern technologies and machines to produce complex prototypes in a short time and at a fair price.

  • We only use high-quality materials and guarantee the longevity and durability of our products.

We are also happy to support you beyond prototype construction.
As a team, in collaboration with our colleagues from the design department, we implement pilot series with you and refine the functional models of your designs with the result that they are ready for series production.


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