Assembling of mechanical & electromechanical components and customised sub-assemblies
Assembling of mechanical & electromechanical components and customised sub-assemblies
  1. Electronics
  2. Mechatronics
  3. Production

What is an assembly?

Basics and advantages of assembly production

Instead of producing a complete machine in one place, assembly production involves the creation of individual components that are later joined together to form a larger, functional component or product.

Assembly in module production is carried out according to a clearly defined process and specifications in order to guarantee function and compatibility. In this way, the production processes of the individual departments or subcontractors work hand in hand to enable perfect interfaces.

The focus is on efficiency, precision and quality to ensure that the manufactured assemblies meet the specific requirements and standards. Efficient production processes are created thanks to the optimal positioning of the processing stations.


Efficient production of assemblies

Advantages for your production

In cooperation with the Swiss Factory Group, we offer a wide range of technologies. These include automatic turning, CNC turning, CNC milling, honing, profile milling, grinding, laser cutting and coating.

We assemble electronic assemblies, cables and mechanical components into complete modules and devices at efficient assembly stations designed according to LEAN principles and tailored to the product.

Our machines are equipped with various functions to cover a wide range of production tasks. We can scale quickly from initial prototypes to large series, which allows us to react flexibly to changes in demand or customer orders.


Our services for your assembly

Procurement, production and assembly from a single source

We offer a unique infrastructure for the manufacture and assembly of modules. Our engineers support you in the design and layout of the assembly and its components. We coordinate the manufacturing methods, assembly sequence and joining processes with you to ensure the reliable function of the assembly and economical production. Customers can send their project details or inquiries by e-mail to receive a quick and personalized response.

You also have the opportunity to optimize your procurement process for assembly production with Antrimon. We can start with your suppliers and then gradually ensure better purchasing conditions.


Your advantages at a glance

Production according to your wishes with the highest quality

  • We are a full-service partner for component production.

  • A fixed contact partner, short paths and joint decisions.

  • We offer attractive prices in a one-stop store for assembly production.

  • We manufacture precisely and always check every detail.

  • We specialize in assemblies and housings.

Do you have any questions about assembly production?

Then please send us a message.

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