Our team is ready for you
Our team is ready for you
We are a highly-motivated and closely-knit team that is constantly developing. We all share a passion for mechatronics and the motivation to turn ideas into something special - because only together can we create the best performance for our customers.
Salvatore Coroniti

Salvatore Coroniti

Jürgen Noack

Jürgen Noack

Sales Engineering
Salvatore Coroniti

Salvatore Coroniti

Sales Contract Manufacturing
& Drive Technologies
Christian Sicklinger

Christian Sicklinger

Sales Contract Manufacturing
Eric Thiriot

Eric Thiriot

Sales Drive Technologies
Daniel Leue

Daniel Leue

Member of the Executive Board
CFO & Head of Services
Edwin Meier

Edwin Meier

Sales Drive Technologies
Mario Corrieri

Mario Corrieri

Business Unit Director Drive Technologies
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